* Trackerプラグイン: デフォルト設定
trackerプラグインで設定を指定しなかった場合、この設定が使用されます。(例 "#tracker")
Contemporary insurance techniques might be followed right back to 17th century Birmingham, where the well-known Lloyd's of Birmingham had its beginning. Curiously, Ed Lloyd's place of business turned inton't an insurance QuotesChimp at all.* It turned out to be coffee house where company merchandisers and traders satisfied to negociate policy contract protection for transportation. Traders, named underwriters, might consent to guarantee the freight and boat of a projected excursion. The more threatening the ocean trip was considered to be, the bigger the cost of the policy contract. Few underwriters might accept lead to your threat of reduction, because travelling by boat was, virtually by classification, harmful. A few underwriters might usually guarantee personal ocean trips, discussing in the reduction and gain balanced to the portion of the complete underwriting price that each one singly supposed, rather. Therefore, the danger of reduction was distribute then distribute again.


* fields
|項目名  |見出し    |タイプ  |オプション|デフォルト|h
|Proposer|投稿者    |page    |20        |anonymous |
|Category|カテゴリー|select  |          |          |
|Severity|重要度    |select  |          |低        |
|Status  |状態      |select  |          |提案      |
|Version |バージョン|text    |10        |          |
|Summary |サマリ    |title   |60        |          |
|Messages|メッセージ|textarea|60,6      |          |

* Severity
|見出し|セルの書式         |h
|緊急  |BGCOLOR(#ff8080):%s|
|重要  |BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):%s|
|普通  |BGCOLOR(#cccccc):%s|
|低    |BGCOLOR(#ffffff):%s|

* Status
|見出し |セルの書式         |h
|提案   |BGCOLOR(#ffccff):%s|
|着手   |BGCOLOR(#ccccff):%s|
|完了   |BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):%s|
|保留   |BGCOLOR(#ccddcc):%s|
|却下   |BGCOLOR(#cccccc):%s|

* Category
|見出し          |セルの書式         |h
|本体バグ        |BGCOLOR(#ffccff):%s|
|本体新機能      |BGCOLOR(#ccccff):%s|
|プラグイン      |BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):%s|
|サイト          |BGCOLOR(#ccddcc):%s|
|その他          |BGCOLOR(#cccccc):%s|

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