A Monitoring Must! A Mom's Best Friend!SafeToSleep is an Angel Care, Snuza, HighSense BabySense Movement Monitor, and VTech Audio Monitor all wrapped up in one. This is the only baby mootinr any new parent will need.My baby was born 2 1/2 months premature and spent 6 weeks in the NICU. It is very frightening to watch your baby hooked up to vital and breathing mootinrs and suffer dips in normal functions. It is even more frightening when you bring them home and you have no way to mootinr these things yourself. Now you do .SafeToSleep.I have been using SafeToSleep daily for over two months. I'm a stay at home mom and have had the pleasure of seeing this product in action from nap time to night time. My initial concern with the SafeToSleep was the range of Bluetooth capabilities. I live in a three story townhouse and have acceptable range on all floors. However, when my baby is sleeping on the first floor, my reception does get weak on the third floor. Honestly, I'm rarely that far from my sleeping baby for this to be an issue.I have used the iPhone App, iPad App, and the Android App. All Apps were easy to download,install, and connect. Each App works as intended. As mentioned previously, it is nice to see when your baby is asleep or awake, gauge room temperature, stream white noise to your baby, and track sleeping patterns over time. I have received rapid breathing alarms, slow breathing alarms, baby absent alarms, and low battery alarms. The App does not alarm when baby is awake but you can see the baby character change from sleeping to awake. It has NEVER been wrong. Sometimes, the App will show my baby awake when simply moving or changing position. I wish the App would allow for audio mootinring to your device   but it does not. However, if you want to listen to your baby or talk/sing to your baby all you have to do is use the parent unit instead of your phone/iPad.I prefer the design of SafeToSleep compared with other mootinrs. It is sleek and uncomplicated -no wires, no additional devices to lug. Nearly every parent carries a phone, laptop/tablet, diaper bag, keys you get the picture. All I have to carry is the SafeToSleep and I'm set. Anywhere my baby sleeps, SafeToSleep can go without rigging and plugging in equipment. This is very nice when my baby is napping upstairs instead of the crib downstairs. It is also nice because we use a memory foam mattress and SafeToSleep is compatible   placed on the mattress instead of underneath like AngelCare. There are no wires to plug or run outside of my baby's reach. I never have to worry about my baby accidentally choking or strangling.I'm in total disagreement with commenter Unix. I'm a technology buff and this product is NOT flaky. SafeToSleep is an offering of sophisticated technology once only available in hospitals. Now parents can use it too! I'm a real person, a real mother, with a real fear for my premature baby's health. I did extensive research on baby mootinrs before deciding to purchase SafeToSleep. I can see Unix's point about being able to connect multiple devices but in my eyes, this is a safety feature. I have a modern family with every known electronic gadget. I purchased SafeToSleep knowing Bluetooth would be the connecting protocol because I didn't want any interference with other electronics running in my home. SafeToSleep mootinrs my baby's livelihood. I would never take a chance with crosstalk from other devices interfering with registering a life threatening event.Admittedly, SafeToSleep is pricey. My husband was not particularly happy about spending $300 on a mootinr. But I explained to him if we were to buy an audio mootinr, a movement mootinr, and a breathing mootinr we would be spending well over $300. SafeToSleep does not offer video mootinring. But I have watched my baby sleep and sometimes I cannot tell if she is breathing. She may look alive but something could be wrong. SafeToSleep lets me know for sure. $300 is cheap for that peace of mind!I sleep, my baby sleeps, and my husband sleeps too. Get SafeToSleep so you can start sleeping too Best,Deanna

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