Heres what you need to do:Start carrying a list and write down <a href="">evetmriye</a> you purchase something.  Even if its a .50 or $1 item write it down. Do this for a few weeks.Now sit down with your paycheck, bills and that list.  Do a budget figuring the minium payment on all your bills and see how much money you have left each month.  Next, see which debt has the highest interest rate.  pay any extra money to it while paying the minium on e verything else.  Once it's paid off take the amount you where paying to the paid off debt and add it to your next highest accuring debt and keep doing that.Now look at what you can cut out of your budget or downsize on.  Things like taking lunch to work, making your d rinks and taking with you to work. make your morning coffee at home, cut the cell phone bill down, same with house phone and cable get rid of them or cut them down to the bear minium.  Now, I would suggest selling your car and getting something for cash.  I just did this and it now saves me $440 a month between the car payment and insurance.  Even if you can get the amount you owe on the car, get a small loan to pay off the difference and sell it.  If you h ave a extra room rent it out.  You might want to look at picking up a second job too.  It's amazing how 300-400 extra a month can help.  Take all the money from the second job and pay it towards your debt.  I would suggest gettting a book by D ave Ramsey called  The complete money makeover .  This will help you stay focused and teach you how to get out of debt.  Once you are debt free and one day with alot of hard work you will be, remember how bad it feels nad never let yourself get in this position again.  happy holidays and I wish you all the best.  Trust me, follow this plan and it will work it has worked miracles for me over the last 3 mnths since I started doing it.
The war to bring reason and fairness to the pricing and administration of auto insurance will be hard-fought. No QuotesChimp expects the entrenched and powerful forces of the insurance es?tablishment to surrender their immense power easily. In fact, it will take years of energetic consumer activism to stop the pricing abuses of the auto insurance industry.

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