* Trackerプラグイン: デフォルト設定
trackerプラグインで設定を指定しなかった場合、この設定が使用されます。(例 "#tracker")
Quit using credit cards and cut up the cards you have.  Don't get amonyre.Make sure you make the payments for your car and house because you need those items to survive and get to work.Assuming your current job pays enough to cover your car, house and food expenses, get a second job and put all your earnings for the second job towards your credit card.  Sell any items you have that you don't want, need, or can live without.  Apply all your earnings from the sale to your credit card bill.If you still don't have enough cash to make large payments towards getting the card paid, you need to cut in other areas.  Evaluate what you spend your money on and determine which items you can really live without.  You will be surprised.  I would cut out some luxuries:Cable TVSalon nailsEating out (if you eat out, order water to drink.  Drinks add so much to your tab.)MoviesPlan meals for the week depending on what items are on sale at the grocery store.Clip coupons for items that I normally buy or need.Purchase store brands if they are less expensive than sale itemsReduce processed food purchases, especially those with no nutritional value like soda and cookies.  They can be expense and are not good for you anyway.Get this paid off, then build up savings and pay cash for things you want in the future.  It will be challenging to get this paid off, but if you set your mind to it and are willing to make some sacrifices, you can get it done.Good luck!


* fields
|項目名  |見出し    |タイプ  |オプション|デフォルト|h
|Proposer|投稿者    |page    |20        |anonymous |
|Category|カテゴリー|select  |          |          |
|Severity|重要度    |select  |          |低        |
|Status  |状態      |select  |          |提案      |
|Version |バージョン|text    |10        |          |
|Summary |サマリ    |title   |60        |          |
|Messages|メッセージ|textarea|60,6      |          |

* Severity
|見出し|セルの書式         |h
|緊急  |BGCOLOR(#ff8080):%s|
|重要  |BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):%s|
|普通  |BGCOLOR(#cccccc):%s|
|低    |BGCOLOR(#ffffff):%s|

* Status
|見出し |セルの書式         |h
|提案   |BGCOLOR(#ffccff):%s|
|着手   |BGCOLOR(#ccccff):%s|
|完了   |BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):%s|
|保留   |BGCOLOR(#ccddcc):%s|
|却下   |BGCOLOR(#cccccc):%s|

* Category
|見出し          |セルの書式         |h
|本体バグ        |BGCOLOR(#ffccff):%s|
|本体新機能      |BGCOLOR(#ccccff):%s|
|プラグイン      |BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):%s|
|サイト          |BGCOLOR(#ccddcc):%s|
|その他          |BGCOLOR(#cccccc):%s|

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