You have to figure out if this breakup truly is serious or if it is the second situation I’ve written above.

If she is just testing the waters to see how you guys will do in the future, put things out in the open and attempt to solve your differences. If not, then cut her off politely and start the healing (and possible reunion) process.

You can learn more about how to identify and go about this in my book, How to Get Her Back for Good.

Best of luck to you, Dr. K

duke Says: March 11th, 2010 at 7:42 am hi Dr. K,

thank you for your reply. i appreciate it that much. the past few days, she was the always one who talks to me first. i never initiate any contact. we talk like how we used to when we were just friends..

sometimes when theres this dead air when we text or chat, she opens up another topic to talk about to continue a conversation. the truth is, i wanted to win her back.

here’s what she said why she wanted us to break up: she wanted me to grow, she has personal problems and she wanted us to stay friends as of now and fix things because if we are in a relationship there are a lot of complications. she said that she loves me too so much and if its us, then it is us. if not, then not but she is not losing hope in it.

what i am doing now, is i only let her come to me. if she texts, i reply in a caring and friendly tone and i always sound cheerful. can you tell that how she contacts me is that she is testing the waters? i really want to win her back, am i doing the right thing? giving just enough distance? hope to hear from you again Dr. K. :)

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Last-modified: 2022-09-06 (火) 21:37:13 (591d)